How to Ensure Safety of Your Kids and Pets Around Automatic Gates

Automatic gates provide comprehensive security to your property. But you should not jeopardize the safety of your beloved around the automatic gates. Recently, there is much news popping up about automatic gates, causing safety hazards for your kids and pets, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

In 2016, in a tragic incident, a kid was trapped in-between the automatic gates and was nearly dead, until a fire brigade came to rescue him. He could be crushed in the hollow space between the walls and the bars of the gate, but he ultimately survived the mishap. So, the question remains, how can you save your kids and pets from the danger posited by automated barring mechanism? Here are some tips to keep you informed. 

Automatic greats posit many risks to the safety and wellbeing of your family. These are: 

Risk of Collision 

With automatic gates, there is always a hazard of collision. During the opening and closing mechanism, the gates could try to crash any person, animal, vehicle or anything that comes between them. The risk factors contrast with the arrangement of the gates or how the gates are built to move as well as the sort of barrier that is being used in the scene: it may be open semi-transparent railing gates or secure boarded gates. It posits more significant threat to inhabitants of the property, especially older adults, small kids and disabled persons since they can’t respond to closing gates as fast as some others of us would be able to do. These factors account to the level of wellbeing and safety required around the entrances. 

Risk of Apparel Being Hauled by the Gate 

This could happen to anyone and not just small kids. During the opening and closing phase of the gate automation system, especially if it is a sliding gate with finials, there is a hazard of a person’s clothes getting caught on the automatic gate opener and being hauled along with the closing of the gate. The chance of this happening increases by a higher degree if the entrance is situated in the limit of property, and there is not much open space for the gate to operate. 

These are the safety measures that you can take when the gates are in operation: 
  • You must stay away from the automatic gate when it is in function. 
  • Ask the automatic gate provider for some indicator to be placed on top of the automatic gate opener which will inform you when the gates are in motion. 
  • The force of the gates can also be limited to prevent any accident
  • In case of accidents or mishaps, there should be an emergency button present in the gate automation system that prompts it to reverse or open immediately. 

Consult experienced companies who supply safe and efficient automatic gates to secure your property from unwanted intruders today!


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